An Open Letter to Our Clients: Canine Respiratory Disease

24/7 Emergency Contact

We know that many of you are concerned by the recent media reports of canine respiratory disease and its potential impact on your doggie family. As a 24/7 hospital, we are vigilant about minimizing the movement of potentially infectious dogs in the hospital. We test to confirm or rule out disease, disinfect after seeing each patient, and we have isolation policies in place if we encounter any potentially infectious patients. 

Our area has seen an increase in Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC) for more than a year. These dogs commonly exhibit coughing as a symptom, particularly after a boarding stay or going to daycare. Many dogs are treated at home with support, but some need to be hospitalized. When we hospitalize these patients, they stay in our isolation ward and prohibit any contact with other patients. Our staff wear isolation gowns and gloves over their scrubs to prevent transmission. No specific disease seems to be causing these increased numbers, based on the testing that we and other veterinarians in the area have performed.

We know you are concerned about your pet, and we share your commitment to minimizing any potential risk. We remain steadfast in our adherence to infectious disease protocols. Please know we are dedicated to safeguarding not only your pet, but all of our patients. 

If you are interested in learning more about the respiratory disease outbreak from a trusted source, please click here for an excellent article written by Dr. Scott Weese, an infectious disease specialist. 

Finally, if you have specific questions about potential risks for your pets, please reach out to our teams at:

Veterinary Emergency Care: staff@vec-temp.local

Veterinary Rehabilitation Hospital: